Wednesday, March 12, 2014

M.B.B.S 3rd year practical exams in Forensic Medicine (Autopsy Instruments)

Autopsy instruments might be placed in spotting or may be given to you during viva & asked to identify that particular instrument and comment about its use during autopsy. You'll have to identify these instruments & know these few things regarding them.

M.B.B.S 3rd year practical exams in Forensic Medicine (Foetus)


If foetus is given, you'll have to comment on the age of the given fetus
 and tell few points in support of your answer.

How to proceed for age determination of fetus?

M.B.B.S 3rd year practical exams in Forensic Medicine (Bones)


You will be given few bones (human). You'll have to identify the
bone & also comment on the sex of the bone and any other relevant
thing regarding that bone. Mention about the side of the
bone also in case of upper & lower limbs, whether it is left/right. 
Telling about ossification is a plus point. 
The Questions that might be asked are:
  • Comment on the sex of the bone and give reasons to justify your statement?
  • Identify the given bone and tell few points as how this bone can be used to estimate the age of the individual?
The bones generally given are:

M.B.B.S 3rd year practical exams in Forensic Medicine (X-rays)

X-RAY in viva/spotting
You might be given an X-Ray. The questions that are generally asked are: comment on the given X-ray or comment upon the age? You are expected to answer keeping the following points in mind::
•Which part of Body X-Rayed?
•Comment upon the age of the person?
•What are the medicolegal significance of that age?
•Any other specific finding ( like overlaying of skull)?
•Comment upon that particular finding with its medicolegal significance.