Wednesday, March 12, 2014

M.B.B.S 3rd year practical exams in Forensic Medicine (X-rays)

X-RAY in viva/spotting
You might be given an X-Ray. The questions that are generally asked are: comment on the given X-ray or comment upon the age? You are expected to answer keeping the following points in mind::
•Which part of Body X-Rayed?
•Comment upon the age of the person?
•What are the medicolegal significance of that age?
•Any other specific finding ( like overlaying of skull)?
•Comment upon that particular finding with its medicolegal significance.

Types of X-Rays that can be asked:
•X-Ray Wrist joint for age of the person. Hint number of carpal bones equals the age in early age group. [Capitate=3M,Hamate=4M, Triquetral=3Yr, Lunate= 4Yr, Scaphoid &t
raphezoid-5Yr, Trapezium=6Yr, Pisiform= 12Yr]
X-ray of wrist joint
•X-Ray of Abdomen for twin pregnancy, hint two spinal cord and skull visible in abdomen
•X-Ray of Knee joint for comment on the age of person. Hint Lower end of femur and upper of tibia and fibula fuses with shaft at 18-20 years.
X-ray knee joint
•X-Ray of Ankle joint for comment on the age of person. Hint Lower end of tibia and fibula fuses with shaft at 16-18 years

•Apart from these, other X-Rays can also be asked. Most important thing is your approach.

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